Tragedy and the true restitution of honor


  • Rafael Otávio Zanlorenzi



Honor, Human Dignity, Ontology, Subject of Rights, Tragedy.


This article intends to discuss the transformations suffered by the juridical apprehension of honor. To reach such goals, it attempts to explore the transformations suffered in the fields of Theory of Law and Methodology of Law, both of which would stimulate structural development in Private law and in the conception of personality rights. More specifically, it intends to discuss the existence of three previously detected defining moments, i.e., that of honor as an a priori organizational structure for juridical methodology, that which establishes the personality rights and that which serves as a frame for the portrayal of honor within the reach of a digital society – as the expression of neofeudal strategies for the establishment of loyalties and responsibilities. The last one serves as a formative device for reputations and personalities of virtual nature, both considered conversion forces of cognitive perspectives into aesthetical and agent strategies.

Author Biography

Rafael Otávio Zanlorenzi

Doutor em Filosofia do Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Professor de Epistemologia, Filosofia Política e Teorias da Justiça na Universidade Positivo.




