Effectiveness of Law nº 12.732/2012 in the assistance of malignant neoplasms and its association with mortality in the state of Amazonas


  • Alcinéia da Silva Rodrigues Fundação de Vigilância em Saúde do Amazonas - FVS/AM
  • Leila Cristina Ferreira Silva de Alencar Fundação de Vigilância em Saúde do Amazonas - FVS/AM
  • Vitória Regina Maia Castelo Branco Centro Universitário de Ensino Superior do Amazonas - CIESA




Fundamental Law, Law of 60 Days, Malignant Neoplasms.


This article presents the results of a research developed with the objective of analyzing the effectiveness of Law no. 12.732/2012, the law of 60 days, in the assistance of malignant neoplasms and its association with mortality in the state of Amazonas. For this purpose, it was chosen as specific objectives: to estimate the mean waiting time for diagnosis and treatment by a group of neoplasms; To present socio-demographic, epidemiological and clinical factors according to opportune/inopportune waiting time between diagnosis and treatment by groups of malignant neoplasms; and constitute a legal scenario related to the effectiveness of the law in accordance with sociodemographic, epidemiological and clinical factors. A mixed methodology was adopted to perform a descriptive study in sectional cut (2015-2016) of malignant neoplasms registered in residents of Amazonas. The results indicate the non-effectiveness of the Law of 60 days for patients affected by malignant neoplasms in the state of Amazonas, which compromises the efficacy of the treatment and influences public expenditures with disease assistance.

Author Biography

Vitória Regina Maia Castelo Branco, Centro Universitário de Ensino Superior do Amazonas - CIESA

Graduanda em Direito - CIESA. Bolsista de Iniciação Científica da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas - FAPEAM e Fundação de Vigilância em Saúde - FVS.




