Whose side is restorative justice on? Some reflections on its implementation in the Brazilian scenario


  • Renata Saggioro Davis




Restorative Justice, Judiciary, Critical Criminology, Social Control, Alteranatives to Encarceration


Over the last years, restorative justice has been pointed out as an alternative model of conflict resolution in opposition to the criminal justice system arousing the interest and enthusiasm of a numberr of scholars and law enforcers. However, alternative propositions to incarceration and the criminal system in general demand cautious treatment since reformist experiences meant the widening of the punitive power control networks as the critical criminology studies have demonstrated. In the Brazilian context, restorative justice has been implemented and managed by the judiciary, subordinated to the traditional criminal justice system. In addition, the predominant theoretical-methodological framework in restorative programs is established, to a large extent, by an individualizing perspective of the offensor’s responsibility. Based on these findings, the central question of this article is: would restorative justice, as it is elaborated in Brazil, be able to effectively face the punitive paradigm and its control agencies? To this end, the theoretical-methodological framework of critical criminology will be articulated to analyze some elementary assumptions of the restorative proposal brought by established authors in this field of study, as well as the norms developed around the institute in our country.

Author Biography

Renata Saggioro Davis

Mestre em Direito Penal pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2019). Especialista em Direito Penal pela Universidade Católica de Petrópolis (2012). Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2010). Membro do Laboratório de Críticas e Alternativas à Prisão (LabCap). Advogada no Rio de Janeiro, RJ.




