Technical analysis of reimbursement to CNPq of amounts received by scholarships
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq, prescription, illegal receipt, reimbursement.Abstract
The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq has the institutional mission of to implement the scientific and technological national development by promoting incentives for academical activities. The accomplishment of this mission requires respect to public money with the refund of illegal amounts received by scholarships of CNPq. In this way it’s possible to prevent the frustration of public interests in the dissemination of knowledge acquired by scholarships in research projects in Brazil and in another countries. The article analyses the reimbursement legal system of amounts undue received by CNPq’s scholarships. The article analyses interpretations of credit constitution process and prescription of billings actions overviews. From dialectical method the article proposes interpretative confrontations in order to argue non prescription of actions that requires devolutions of amounts illegal receives by scholarships. In consequence, the paper explains an approach guided by to protect the research incentive and development model according to the law.References
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