Attention in mental health: profile of users and operation of a municipal ambulatory
Mental Health Services, Health Promotion, Unified Health SystemAbstract
Preventive and therapeutic care designed to mental health represents an important resource in promoting human development at different times during life cycle. The profile of the users and the operational system of a Mental Health Clinic in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul were investigated with the purpose of knowing the population assisted and the service offered. The design was a case study and data were collected from medical records of 466 users who attended the service for a month and through participant observation. Most users are women (74.7%) between 25 and 59 years old (76.7%). The main complaints were symptoms related to mood alternation and anxiety. The most prevalent diagnoses were Mood Disorders (44.4%) and Disorders Related to Stress and Somatoform Disorders (34.1%). Most users have been in treatment for more than four years, which suggests the permanence of an intervention leads to chronic cases, helping to make users dependent on and rooted in service. As an alternative, we emphasize the importance to invest in prevention and promotion of mental health, teamwork skills and strengthening the service network.References
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