Resilience and self-efficacy: important bivalence to enlarge the troubleshooting skills based on cognitive-behavioral approach


  • Márcia Maria Coutinho Herrera Unichristus - Centro Universitário Christus - Fortaleza - CE



Adversity, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Competence, Skills, Resistant, Tolerance


This article seeks, based on the literature review, structuring the rela­tionship between resilience and self-efficacy as an important factor to develop problem solving skills from cognitive-behavioral interventions. It aims to identify the literature indexed scientific articles and books that address different stages of the life cycle and different contexts, the important relationship between psychological resilience to devel­op problem-solving skills, including techniques of cognitive-behavioral approach, as a real possibility to offer a new paradigm. We proceeded to the selection of the articles from the data bases-Science Direct, Scielo, CAPES Journals and in books, through university libraries in the period of 1993 to 2013. We considered as resilient those who, in the presence of history and at least one traumatic event, had positive adaptation. The analysis resulted in the assessment of factors related to Self-efficacy and Resiliency bivalence, as well as the styles of answers related to cognitive skills and adaptive behavior of the individual. The study identified several aspects associated to positive adaptation, with reference to the effective­ness of the developed skills and understanding of the construct: resilience and self-efficacy, as predictors of behavior, contributing to the personal and professional development.

Author Biography

Márcia Maria Coutinho Herrera, Unichristus - Centro Universitário Christus - Fortaleza - CE

Psicólogo Clínico, Pós-graduanda em Terapia Cognitivo-comportamental e Neuropsicologia pelo Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS) - Fortaleza -CE


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