Adaptive Efficacy Assessment in HighPerformance Athletes: An Exploratory Study
Psychological assessment, Adaptive efficacy, Sport, Self-reportAbstract
This research aimed to evaluate the adaptive efficacy of Brazilian athletes samples and verify possible differences between groups depending on the sport modality (basketball, futsal and volleyball), category (youth and adult) and gender (male and female). Therefore, this research is based on the theory of adaptive efficacy developed by Ryad Simon and on the Adaptive Operational Diagnostic Scale for Athletes (EDAO-AR-A), that assesses the effectiveness of adaptive efficacy in athletes through two adaptive sectors (Affective Relational A-R and Productivity Pr). This research sample comprised 150 athletes (21.45 ± 4.14 years, 50.7% men). MANONA test indicated a statistically significant difference in terms of sport modality. The Bonferroni post hoc test indicated that futsal athletes presented a significantly higher mean in the A-R sector when compared to basketball athletes in the Interpersonal Relations factor. ANOVA test showed significantly higher Self-control factor levels for youth athletes, corresponding to the two sectors. Regarding gender, male athletes had significantly higher means in Self-control factor in the A-R sector; Coping in the Pr sector and overall Adaptive Efficacy. It was identified different contexts that may affect adaptive processes in high-performance athletes.References
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