Application of sensory analysis as a determinant of school feeding quality


  • Diégeles Sostmeyer Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Tiffany Prokopp Hautrive Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



School Feeding, Childhood Education, Acceptability Test


The National School Feeding Program aims to promote the growth, learning, and formation of good student feeding practices, thus favoring the permanence in school and the improvement of school performance. The Program is also responsible for the daily feeding of millions of students enrolled in the public education system. This bibliographic review article aimed to describe how the application of sensory analysis is important to verify the quality of food offered to schoolchildren. There are two ways to perform the acceptability tests, it may be through ingestion rest, which must have a minimum of 90% acceptability and a hedonic scale, which should be at least 85%. The results of the tests of acceptability contribute to verify the acceptance of a given food by the students, it is also an important factor to determine the quality of the service provided by the schools in relation to the provision of school meals. In addition, assisting in the work of the Nutritionist, avoids the waste of public resources, as it helps in the purchase of foodstuffs and in the planning of the menus.

Author Biographies

Diégeles Sostmeyer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduanda do Curso de Nutrição; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. E-mail:

Tiffany Prokopp Hautrive, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Autor correspondente. Professora do Curso de Nutrição; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Av. Independência, nº 3751, Palmeira das Missões – RS, CEP: 98300-000. +55 (55) 3742-8800. E-mail:





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