Benefits of vibratory platform on neuromuscular deficits of aging: a liteture review




Aging, Elderly, Vibration of the Whole Body, Muscle Strength


Objective: To analyze the results of studies that describe the effects of the vibratory platform in improving the symptoms of aging, verifying the benefits of this type of treatment.

Materials and Methods: Narrative review of the literature. The search was performed in the databases Scielo, Pubmed, Medline, PeDro, Science Direct and Google Scholar, for publications between 2007 and 2018, in the English and Portuguese languages, using the following keywords: aging, Elderly, Vibration of the whole body and its correlates in English.

Results: We found 139 articles that contained the main theme vibratory platform, excluding those that did not clearly present the physical therapy approach and review articles.

Conclusion: The present study had excellent results in relation to the gains obtained with the use of the vibratory platform in the elderly population. We can mention among the main outcomes the improvement of the balance, gain of strength, improvement in the execution of functional test like the 6MWT and improvement of the quality of life. The results alone already prove that the use of PV is beneficial in the aging process.

Author Biography

Silvio Maria dos Santos

Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário FADERGS, membro do grupo de pesquisa GEReab (UFCSPA). Atua na clínica PROTRAUMA nas áreas da traumatologia e desportiva e também no tratamento das disfunções temporomandibulares.






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