Alcohol consumption and other psychoactive substances by adults




Adult, Alcoholism, Street Drugs


Objective: To evaluate the use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances of residents older than 18 years of age in the urban area of Pau dos Ferros-RN.

Material and Methods: The research has a cross - sectional, descriptive design, in a household sample format with a quantitative approach. The sample had a total of 396 inhabitants.

Results: Younger adults are the ones who make the most use of alcohol and as they grow older this use tends to decrease. Men are the ones who consume the most alcohol and these are those who claim the need to reduce such use, consumption among women have been increasing and can be justified by greater insertion in the labor market and expansion of own income. There is currently an enormous growth in the use of psychoactive substances in an expansive way and adults in the age group of 40 to 59 years make greater use of these substances.

Conclusion: Younger adults tend to make more use of alcohol and differ when it comes to the use of other psychoactive substances. It is necessary to seek, increasingly, preventive measures that are dedicated to reducing the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

Author Biography

Ellany Gurgel Cosme do Nascimento, UERN

EnfermeiraEspecialista em Epidemiologia, Auto-Gestão em Saúde, Saúde da Família, Obstetrícia e Formação Pedagógica em Educação.Doutora em Ciências da Saúde pela UFRNProfessora Adjunta IV do Curso de Graduação em Medicina - FACS/UERNCoordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde e Sociedade - FACS/UERN





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