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Stable Microbubble Test, Respiratory distress syndrome, Newborns, Exogenous surfactant, Corticosteroid therapy.Resumen
Objective: To analyze the importance of SMT in the early diagnosis of NRDS in newborns (NB) with gestational age between 32 and 37 weeks with respiratory distress. Methodology: observational, cohort study. Data collection occurred in a public hospital in southern Brazil between March 2018 and February 2020. Results: The groups of patients with and without respiratory distress were compared in relation to the number of stable microbubbles. Among the NBs with respiratory distress (RD), 50% presented between 15 and 50 SM/mm² and 50% above 50 SM/mm². On the other hand, 18% of the patients without RD presented between 15 and 50 SM/mm², while 82% presented more than 50 SM/mm², with no significant difference or association. The mothers of NBs with RD received pre-delivery corticosteroid therapy, a protective factor for developing NRDS, not requiring the administration of exogenous surfactant. Conclusion: using the SMT to aid in the diagnosis of NRDS was an effective method since there was no NB with less than 15 SM/mm² and no NB required exogenous surfactant. Certainly, the amount greater than 15 SM/mm² in NB with respiratory distress accuses moderate or severe SDRRN, which does not require administrating exogenous surfactant.
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