Pediatric physical therapy intervention in leigh’s syndrome: a clinical case report
DOI: clave:
Leigh Disease, Motor Skills Disorders, Child, Physical Therapy, Motor DevelopmentResumen
Objective: The aim of this single case study was to describe a physical therapy intervention in a 5-year-old boy with Leigh Syndrome (LS).
Method: The balance was tested through the Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) and the function in daily life activities was measured with the Pediatric evaluation of disability inventory (PEDI). Furthermore, the plantar pressure distribution (PPD) was measured during a self-selected speed, walking on a capacitive sensing platform. The intervention was based on the use of kinesiotherapy, sensory and proprioceptive resources, in 50-minute sessions, twice a week, for 10 weeks.
Results: The present study demonstrated gains for the child in relation to balance during gait. The same way, the improvement of postural control, task planning, and other skills was observed.
Conclusion: The physical therapy intervention in this case report for Leigh Syndrome was effective and could serve as a basis for forthcoming studies or clinical therapy intervention that follow this kind of treatment.
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