

Tuổi Ngọc weekly; Literature of Southern urban areas in Vietnam; Children's Literature; Teenager's Literature.


Before 1975, in southern cities, there were many publishing houses that printed publications for children. Besides those individual publications, there are also newspapers that always accompany young readers. It can be said that Tuổi Ngọc weekly magazine was a spiritual gift that writers who love children gave to young readers at that time. Under the accompaniment of Duyên Anh and Vũ Mộng Long (From now on, depending on the author's name when printed with the same work, we will sometimes write it as Duyen Anh or Vu Mong Long), Đinh Tiến Luyện, Từ Kế Tường, Hoàng Hải Thuỷ, Mường Mán, and many other authors have brought children's readers good and valuable works. This weekly newspaper operated for nearly 6 years and then ceased publication. During that period of operation, the newspaper contributed for the country's literature in general and children's literature in particular, especially in the southern urban area, with typical author faces and works of immense value, not only in terms of genre but also in content value such as educational and entertainment value. The weekly newspaper always receives love from young readers and trust from their parents.

Author Biographies

Nguyen Thi Thuy, Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam

Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam; Postgraduate student of University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Le Van Dung, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University

University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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