Egidio Rocci. Brazilian art. History. City. Memory.Abstract
To think about the work of Egidio Rocci is also to delve into an urban experience through the city as a subsidy for art and memory. To do this, we will use the artist's poetics, investigating his search for matter and for fragments that are the "remains" of the modern city. This work aims to discuss the lines of artistic heritage, artification and heritage of emotions as a field of theoretical delimitation. In this way, the city is not just restricted to the urban space, it is perpetuated in the metaphor of the artist as an urban scavenger, who dresses himself in the city and who was always prepared to dive into his work and into the memory that resides in the objects left by the city. In his work, the material used was found in spaces in the city of São Paulo or in a kind of construction waste from the São José dos Campos City Hall.
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