Reflections and responsibilities of the Law in relation to ageism in the media
Aged, Ageism, law, Social Inclusion, StereotypeAbstract
Population aging has implications in the political, economic and cultural spheres, which are made up of potentialities and challenges. Among the social aspects observed, the importance of combating ageism can be noted. With this in mind, the aim of this essay was to present aspects relating to the phenomenon of ageism in Brazilian society, focusing on the media's contribution to creating stereotypes and on existing legal provisions. It was observed that the media influences the construction of stereotypes relating to a certain group, such as the elderly population. In Brazil, one of the ways in which ageism is expressed relates to the media's construction of the image of the elderly, which still reinforces the image of them as vulnerable and non-contributory. It should be noted that these negative stereotypes associated with old age are still observed, despite the significant changes that have taken place in recent decades, with new roles being assigned to the elderly in the media and outside it. With regard to legal provisions, the Statute of the Elderly Person is a relevant mechanism in the process of combating ageism, and bodies such as the National Council for the Rights of the Elderly and the National Advertising Self-Regulation Council can collaborate in the process. Combating ageism is a way of promoting the inclusion of older people in different social spheres, as well as recognizing their potential. The media, with its ability to shape perspectives, can be considered a tool for promoting greater positive intergenerational coexistence.
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