The new Public Politics of Solid Residues in Brazil and the perspective of adequacy of the Municipality of Canoas, RS


  • Judite Sanson Bem
  • Nelci Richter Giacomini Centro Universitário La Salle
  • Fernanda Schutz Prefeitura Municiapl de Canoas; Economista UNILASALLE



National Solid Wastes Policy, Economics of Garbage, Canoas


The problem of the generation of urban solid wastes results from the variety and quantity of discards of the production and consumption. Its quantity and spatial concentration highlight the difficulties involved and the need to control production and the destination of wastes, to ensure environmental quality and offer individuals the opportunity to earn income through the selective collection. The municipality of Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, is essentially industrial with a strong chemical industry (production of fuels and refined products) and wholesale trade besides the metal-mechanical production. Its population exceeds 300,000 inhabitants and in 2008 the industry produced an average of 213 tons of solid wastes per day, causing the exhaustion of the capacity of the sanitary landfill. Combining the problems resulting from this production with the lack of a greater awareness of the society with regard to environmental education and a better use of the wastes generated, the objective of this work is to verify the adequacy of Canoas in the perspective of the new National Policy of Solid Wastes. A descriptive methodology with the obtained data will be used, predominantly from the Foundation of Economics and Statistics of RS and the Municipality of Canoas. It is observed that the municipality has anteceded the demands of the new law, but there are requirements that will spend a lot of resources for local investments.

Author Biographies

Judite Sanson Bem

Coordenadora Curso de C. Econômicas UNILASALLE Canoas

Nelci Richter Giacomini, Centro Universitário La Salle

Prof. Curso de Ciências Econômicas - UNILASALLE Canoas

Fernanda Schutz, Prefeitura Municiapl de Canoas; Economista UNILASALLE

Mestranda UNISINOS - Ciências Econômicas




