Characters in the songs of Raul Seixas: educational possibilities




Raul Seixas, education, music


The educational process has been questioned today, largely because of the little interest aroused in the student and the education model focused on the transmission of content. In this way, with the intuition of contributing to a richer education based on dialogue with cultural expressions, the present study seeks to identify the possibilities of using Raul Seixas’ songs in learning situations, taking as reference the various characters that appear in the lyrics of this composer’s songs. The present study analyzes the contents of the lyrics of the songs, identifying the occurrence of historical, religious, fictional and world of the arts characters, taking into account the context in which they are inserted, in order to identify the possibility of uses in education. As a result, it can be seen that the variety of characters is not the main characteristic of their songs when one thinks of using them in education, which could be richer in considering the whole social and historical context in which the artist was inserted.

Author Biography

André Luís Faria Duarte, Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear - CNEN Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO

Bacharel em Pedagogia

Especialista em Informática Educativa

Mestre em Administração

Doutorando em Administração na UNIGRANRIO

Analista em C&T na CNEN




