Non-governmental actors in foreign policy and public policy


  • Alessandro Calidoni PPGRI-UNILA



Civic engagement, public policy, foreign policy, society


In a world characterized by continuous relationships between individuals in society, it is worth analyzing the influence of non-governmental actors in the policy cycle. Through a theoretical reflection, the text proposes to emphasize the role of non-governmental actors in the implementation of actions that can affect the cycle of public and external policies through their actions. Considering the close relationship between public policy and foreign policy, it is essential to consider the peculiarities of each actor involved in the policy formulation process, in order to examine the relationships established between governmental and non-governmental actors. The article wants to stimulate reflection on the role that non-governmental actors play in the domestic and international spheres, focusing on the analysis of society in the formulation of policies. The text offers a broad analysis with the aim of highlighting the importance of civic engagement by citizens and civil society groups who, by becoming active subjects, result in key factors for policies to be implemented both at the national and international levels.

Author Biography

Alessandro Calidoni, PPGRI-UNILA

Mestrando em Relações Internacionais na UNILA e pesquisador de Diplomacia Pública e Diplomacia Cidadã. Bacharel em Relações Internacionais pela PUC Goiás.




