Gender and Human Resources Management in the Portuguese Ministry of Justice

Statistical Confirmatory Evidence of a Female Ministry


Palabras clave:

Ministry of justice, gender, human resources, feminization


This article aims to delve deeper into the topic of gender equality, through the presentation and analysis of a set of data relating to the distribution of workers in the Ministry of Justice services in Portugal by gender. Using statistical analysis, the figures for the feminisation rate, managerial feminisation and higher education qualifications for the Ministry of Justice's direct and indirect administration services are presented. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the services of the Ministry of Justice are mostly made up of female workers, also noting that it is female workers who reach a higher rate in terms of management positions, as well as educational qualifications at higher education level. It also allows, in conclusive terms, to make a brief observation regarding the possibility of churning of human resources in the Ministry of Justice.

Biografía del autor/a

Olga Alexandra Chinita Pirrolas, Universidade de Lisboa

Doutoranda. Universidade de Lisboa

Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Correia, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra; Instituto Jurídico.

Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra; Instituto Jurídico.




