Management and quality of education: the formation of school managers of the municipality of Canoas


  • Elisangela krafchinski Trentin



School management, continuing formation, program of continuing formation, school on the go, knowledge and actions in scene


The reflections presented herein are from an ongoing research that integrates the set of the investigations of the Core Observatory of the Education Program (INEP Observatory of Education / CAPES), whose investigative theme has as centrality the questioning of the action of the school managers in face of the education quality of the municipal schools in Canoas. It points out that the performance of managers presupposes a qualification in the processes of the school, being the formation of managers and teachers and the supply and maintenance of conditions that enable the processes of teaching and learning. It elects as analytical reference and the report of experience one of the formative actions of Continuing Education, the School on the Go: Knowledge and Practices on the Scene that directed itself to the formation of the school managers that belong to the municipal net of teaching in Canoas/RS/Brazil. This action seeks the analysis to provide spaces and time intended for the formation of the managers, equipping them with a set of knowledge and procedures that enable a management action more efficient and effective.


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