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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Articles should observe the following formatting:

Sheet Size: A4

Microsoft Word Format. Files must be a maximum of 3 MB

Margins: left and top = 3 cm, right and bottom = 2.5 cm

The title of the article should be centered, written in bold and translated into English. It should not be spelled in uppercase

The file with the article should not contain the name of the author (s)

Immediately after you must present:

  • Abstract in Portuguese with a maximum of 250 words
  • Up to five keywords separated by semicolon (;)
  • Translation of the abstract into English
  • Translation of the keywords into English

The section headings should be in bold, unnumbered, and should not be spelled in uppercase.

  • Font Times New Roman
  • Size 12 for headings - article and section - abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords and text
  • Size 11 for references and long direct quotes
  • Size 10 for footnotes (quotes or explanations)

Paragraphs or indents

  • 1.25 for the text
  • 2.5 for long direct quotes

Line spacing 1.5 (one and a half) throughout the text except footnotes (single) and long direct quotes (single + 12 points later).

Alignment: justified

In footnotes and references the names of the authors should be spelled without any abbreviations.

Numbers referring to footnotes must precede any punctuation marks such as “,”, “;”, “!” “?” or “.”

Photographs, diagrams or tables must be in source and allocated throughout the text when any reference is made to it.

The submission file is in Microsoft Word format and does not exceed 3MB.

The aforementioned rules inform the construction of our template (go here) and may be better perceived visually.


Section default policy

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The personal data of the authors, requested in the “Register”, will be used exclusively for the services provided by the journal, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.