Sustainable development and economic empowerment of women: reflections on the sexual division of labor and its repercussion on the effectiveness of the right to development




Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Women’s Rights, Economic Empowerment, Sexual Division of Labor.


The main objective of this article is to understand the interrelationships between sustainable development, as a human right, and the economic empowerment of women, starting from the premise that right suffers a deficit of effectiveness when faced with contexts in which the equality in labor relations is not observed. In the first part, the need for a non-rhetorical affirmation of the right to development is exposed. It’s follows exploring the historical issues surrounding the sexual (and structural) division of labor that has relegated women to domestic functions and it’s asserts the need to empower women to exercise their capacities (and freedoms), disengaging from stereotypes of genre. The analysis of good practices for the induction of the right to development is made opportunely, highlighting gender equity as one of its primary components. Therefore, it’s argued that the acceptance of women in the formal labor market and the wage parity between men and women are relevant issues, but their practical implementation is hampered by a male chauvinist culture, which consequently makes the aforementioned empowerment a challenge.

Author Biographies

Veyzon Campos Muniz, Universidade de Coimbra

Doutorando no Programa de Doutoramento em Direito Público - Estado Social, Constituição e Pobreza do Instituto Jurídico da Universidade de Coimbra. Mestre e Bacharel em Direito pela PUCRS. Especialista em Direito Tributário pela UNIP e em Direito Público pela UCS/ESMAFE-RS. Professor Universitário. Advogado licenciado para o exercício do cargo de Técnico na Defensoria Pública Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher em Situação de Violência Doméstica de Porto Alegre/RS.

Josiani da Silva Pospichil, Faculdades Integradas de Taquara

Professora de Língua Portuguesa na Prefeitura Municipal de Rolante/RS, licenciada em Letras e bacharelanda em Direito nas Faculdades Integradas de Taquara - FACCAT.




