The complaint of breach of fundamental precept 442: an approach from the perspective of legal pragmatism of Richard Posner




Legal Pragmatism, Economic Analysis of Law, Richard Posner, Abortion, ADPF 442.


Richard Posner’s theory of Economic Analysis of Law (AED) has the premise that the application of law must observe the specificities of the concrete case, and the judge must make use of legal pragmatism, concerned with the repercussions of the concrete case, and not with the simple application of positive law. The present work seeks to understand how the legal pragmatism of AED offers subsidies to the debate about the decriminalization of abortion in the Brazilian reality, in particular, in a critical approach of the foundations adopted in the judgment of the argument of fundamental precept violation (ADPF) 442. The objectives of this article are present the AED theory and legal pragmatism, understand the context of the criminalization of abortion in Brazil, and consider if the pragmatic analysis could be applied in the judgment of ADPF 442. Through a bibliographical research, it was concluded that the application of the legal pragmatism of the right to verify the criminalization of conduct, related rights and economic and social consequences could be used in the judgment of ADPF 442 by the Federal Superior Court.

Author Biographies

Jean Carlos Dias, Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (CESUPA)

Doutor em Direitos Fundamentais e Relações Sociais pela pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Mestre em Instituições Jurídico-Políticas pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Pós-graduado em Direito Civil e Processo Civil pela Unesa Rio de Janeiro. Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Sócio-Sênior de Bastos & Dias. Coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito do CESUPA. 

Melissa Mika Kimura Paz, Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (CESUPA)

Advogada. Mestranda em Direito, Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Regional pelo CESUPA. Pós- Graduada lato sensu em Direito Material e Processual do Trabalho pelo CESUPA. Membro do GP Emprego, Subemprego e Políticas Públicas na Amazônia.




