Neuropsychological development and family interaction in early life: systematic review


  • Graziele da Rosa Anezi Unilasalle
  • Prisla Ucker Calvetti



Family interaction, neuropsychological development, early of life


The early of life is a sensitive and unique period in which experiences can result in lasting effects. During the beginning of life, the quality of the environment and experiences around, especially family relationships, are associated with emotional and cognitive development in adulthood. Stressful experiences during early life can modulate the genetic programming of specific brain circuits, the emotional and cognitive aspects of behavioral adaptation may result in stressful experience in adulthood. The objective of this systematic review was to present scientific productions that address neuropsychological development and family interaction in early life and its possible consequences for adult life. We conducted a survey on PubMed, SciELO, and Lilacs, in which articles related to adverse childhood experiences are selected and its possible consequences in adulthood. The results indicated that early emotional support and investment in preventive intervention in the family environment in which the child is inserted can significantly minimize the negative effects of possible traumas in the child’s adult life.





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