Social Housing in Brazil

Strategies to Meet the Demands of Communities in the Interior of Minas Gerais.



housing deficit, social interest housing, interior, challenges


The text addresses the persistent challenge of the housing deficit in Brazil, with an emphasis on the difficulties faced in regions such as the interior of Minas Gerais. This complex phenomenon is the result of several factors, including extreme poverty, lack of social housing, urban migration, real estate speculation and the impacts of conflicts or natural disasters. Urbanization and demographic growth over the decades have exacerbated the problem, highlighting the lack of decent housing as a symptom of the failure to realize the right to adequate housing. Brazil, with a considerable housing deficit, highlights the urgency of effective public policies, especially in the Southeast region, which leads in population density. The text highlights legal milestones, such as the Cities Statute and the National Social Housing System, but highlights persistent challenges, including real estate speculation and community resistance. The Minha Casa, Minha Vida program and the recent Law No. 14.118, which created the Casa Verde e Amarela program, are mentioned as attempts to address these challenges. The text concludes by mentioning specific challenges faced by Conceição de Aparecida, MG, in implementing social housing, and highlights a proposed project that not only seeks to mitigate the housing deficit, but also to incorporate principles of sustainability, aiming to improve living conditions and contribute to a more sustainable future through an approach that promotes not only affordable housing, but also a sustainable and adaptable community.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Procópio, Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano

Graduando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Bolsista de iniciação científica PROBIC. Participa voluntariamente do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas da Cidade – LOCUS; Liga Acadêmica de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Social - LAAUS.




