Nationalization of the education in the pages of Correio de São leopoldo (newspaper) (1937-1945)


  • Ariane dos Reis Duarte Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS.



History, Newspaper, New State, Education, Nationalization of education


Having as a source the newspaper Correio de São Leopoldo, this study seeks to know how the theme "nationalization of teaching" is tackled in that newspaper in the period from 1937 to 1945. This timeframe is justified by the rise and fall of the new state regimen, which brought up the ideology of nationalizing the country. To spread such a way of thinking and doctrine, various measures were taken in order to prevent practices of foreign immigrants in the country. The theoretical contributions focus of the study concentrate on Cultural History, a field that earns space in historiography throughout the 20th century. The methodological procedures of the study consisted in analyzing historical documentary from the selection of materials, reports and notes found in the pages of the newspaper. Therefore, the selected content was photographed and catalogued for later analysis. In this process, productions of authors who use the newspaper as historical source were fundamental, since they assisted in the weights on the research process. Thus, the study presents some reflections on doing research with the newspaper as a source. . As for the specific theme, one can verify that the journal researched brings the contents within various publications around the theme "education" with emphasis on the theme of the teaching nationalization. It was found that the emphasis given to the subject is directly linked to the political profile of the newspaper, which demonstrates support for political allies of Colonel Theodomiro Porto da Fonseca, local influential personality and Mayor of São Leopoldo for many years. In this regard, it was also noted that the political trends of the newspaper appeared directly in the content of all other publications.

Author Biography

Ariane dos Reis Duarte, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS.

Graduada em História pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2012). Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, com bolsa Capes/PROEX. Integrante do grupo de pesquisa "Educação no Brasil: memória, instituições e cultura escolar" (EBRAMIC). Professora de ensino fundamental (séries finais) e ensino médio na rede privada de ensino




