Philosophy of difference: from the will to know to the desire of teaching in a training course for teachers at UERGS


  • Tatiane Nascimento Borba Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Josiel da Rosa Moura Pontifícia Universidade Católica-RS



Teacher Education, Philosophy of Difference, Escrileituras.


This work aims to consider teacher training from the "philosophy of difference" perspective, consisting on how the UERGS pedagogy students formation is based and to highlight situations experienced during their trajectory as licensees. The research was qualitative in design - it was based on non-measurable experimental exploratory information. The main objectives were to analyze the corresponding dogmatic image of thought - in its implicit and explicit common sense assumptions. The research's empirical analysis was based on "Escrileituras", workshops at UERGS North Coast Campus during the Pedagogy Course. The analysis sought to extract recurrent "particles of life" in textual productions, which resulted in the development of four biographemmatic axis: the different childish faces; the individuations of being a teacher; "Ensinartistagens" on teaching the difference; and the slave thought of judgment, the dogmatic image of thought.

Author Biographies

Tatiane Nascimento Borba, Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, Mestranda em Educação pela ULBRA

Josiel da Rosa Moura, Pontifícia Universidade Católica-RS

Graduado em Pedagogia e Especialista em Educação para Sustentabilidade pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul; Mestrando em Educação pela PUC/RS.




