Palliative Care: The challenge of care for the elderly in the termination of life


  • Marcia Constancia Pinto Aderne Gomes UNIGRANRIO
  • Michel Jean Marie Thiollent UNIGRANRIO



Elderly, Care, Life Terminality, Palliative Care.


Population aging is one of the greatest challenges of contemporary society and public policy. This phenomenon is associated with a decline in physical abilities, related to new psychological and behavioral fragilities that demand different types of care. This article reviews the care, considering that the concepts have in their expressions. a series of philosophical aspects that must be discussed and that can contribute to a better understanding of the demands brought by the elderly in the terminality of their lives. Care requires a caring agent, who acts in the perspective of overcoming the technical issue because, as care only exists as an interaction, a coexistence, and a coexistence, it transcends the act of caring to become one caring attitude. It is necessary to identify and look for elements of caring behavior that include receptivity, reciprocity, connectivity, responsibility, and commitment. The care of the elderly in their health needs presents several challenges. Perhaps the greatest of them is located at the moment of the termination of their life, when it is there, existing, full of different and new needs, desires, dreams, and fears.

Author Biographies

Marcia Constancia Pinto Aderne Gomes, UNIGRANRIO

Graduação em Medicina pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1982), mestrado em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2005), doutorado em Administração pela Universidade do Grande Rio (2017) e possui título de Especialista em Medicina de Família e Comunidade. Atualmente é  Chefe do Serviço de Atenção Integral à Saúde do C.M.S.  Maria Augusta Estrella - Secretária Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro.

Michel Jean Marie Thiollent, UNIGRANRIO

Formado em Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - Institut d'Etude du Développement Économique et Social (1969), mestrado em Développement Économique et Social - Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) (1971) e Doutorado em Sociologia - Université de Paris V (René Descartes) (1975). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto do PPGA - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da UNIGRANRIO. Ex-Professor associado 3 (aposentado) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/COPPE.




