The social place of Stan Lee in the USA, during Cold War: a case study from Iron Man’s first comic


  • Luis Filipe Bantim Assumpção Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Comparada da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Stan Lee, Iron Man, Cold War, Vietnam War, history teaching, comics


Stan Lee was one of the most important persons to graphic novel and popular culture universes between the second half of 20 th and the begining of 21th centuries. However, when we think about his social place in the USA during Cold War, we verify that his characters represented ideals from his nation in opposition to “the socialist advance around the World”. In this context, Stan Lee created and represented his discourses through his superheroes at Marvel Comics. Nevertheless, Stan Lee’s discourse and his superheroes representation obeyed his discoursive community. Thus, our objective is analyze Stan Lee’s contribution for the development and diffusion of the USA’s ideals of capitalism and freedom in the mid-1960s during Vietnam War, through Iron Man’s first adventure.

Author Biography

Luis Filipe Bantim Assumpção, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Comparada da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Assumpção é doutorando pelo PPGHC-UFRJ e desenvolve pesquisa sobre a sociedade de Esparta, entre os séculos V e IV a.C. A sua área de interesse e produção tem versado sobre a Antiguidade Clássica, Ensino de História e Recepção do Mundo Antigo, entretanto, nos últimos meses, o mesmo vem se dedicando ao uso de "Quadrinhos e o Ensino de História".




