Fashion Court: An analysis of the use of legal clothes through the theory of power in Foucault’s speech




Fashion, law, Foucault, power, speech


The present article aims to observe the relation of the garments used in the legal environments and how they perpetuate a narrative of domination and exclusion that only hinders the practice of the true objective of justice: The attempt to resolve citizens’ wishes. As a research tool, Foucault’s studies are used, in a juridical-sociological methodology to reflect how in fact fashion implies yet another barrier, in an already so white, patriarchal and classist system, in access to justice. At first, fashion is seen as a discourse, then presenting a brief analysis of Foucault’s theories to then demonstrate the relationship between Fashion and Law. We conclude, then, how Fashion can function as a tool for maintaining an already violent power structure and as an obstacle to access to justice.

Author Biography

Marco Túlio Corraide, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)

Mestrando em Direito pelo programa de pós-graduação Novos Direitos, Novos Sujeitos da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Membro do grupo RESSABER - Grupo de Estudos em Saberes Decoloniais. Advogado.




