Um mecanismo de recuperação da aprendizagem com foco no conteúdo não assimilado por estudante
Grade Repetition. School Dropout. Evaluation.Resumo
In this work, a way of evaluation of recovery focused on the not assimilated content is presented. On this manner, only the contents that were not assimilated by the student would be applied in the test of recovery. The elaboration of the recovery test is done by each student should solve only the questions associated with the not assimilate contents. The evaluation method of recovery was compared with other methods and it was noticed a decrease in the grade repetition. On the other hand, it was perceived that the main motivation is still the approval and not the recovery of contents. Because when the student reaches the grade necessary for approval, he does not care in recovery the contents. Thus, it is still necessary to think about ways to change the culture that the student brings with himself, where the worry is on the approval and not on the assimilation of contents.
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