Due to the extended duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can now define this as a trans pandemic period. In this context, health law plays a crucial role in investigating health-related topics. As an economic and social bloc focused on integrating member countries' actions, MERCOSUR must adopt a unified approach to combat the highly contagious and lethal virus. Informed by Fraternal Law and the General Theory of Social Systems, this paper seeks to: (1) Identify potential examples of fraternal collaboration between MERCOSUR member countries during this pandemic/trans pandemic period, which exposed deep-rooted social inequalities. And (2) Analyze measures that could facilitate the implementation of the human right to health. This study focuses on identifying cooperative initiatives between countries and within individual states, highlighting acts of fraternity, however infrequent. We will draw from two empirical studies. The first, conducted during the pandemic, involved researchers from all four MERCOSUR countries. The second, initiated in November 2022, engages master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral students. In conclusion, it's evident that no country (though the consequences are amplified in nations lacking robust healthcare systems) was adequately prepared for a global pandemic.
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