Afro-Brazilian literature; Heritage; Memory.Abstract
Based on the analysis of short stories from Afro-Brazilian Literature, this study aimed to investigate which cultural heritages are disseminated in "Olhos d’água" (2014) by Conceição Evaristo; "Das águas" (2017) by Cristiane Sobral; and "Arlinda" (2017) by Fátima Trinchão. The theoretical discussion is inspired by studies on Social Memory and Afro-Brazilian Literature, focusing on cultural heritages mentioned in the short stories. The results present a literary practice supported by cultural memory. As a result of the discussions, it is observed that, throughout the narratives, in the characters' memories, elements corresponding to the African diaspora are stored. These elements are therefore linked to a cultural heritage. It is also evident that the short stories undertake a commitment to ensure the continuity of history.
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