Discussing the obesity’s theme in school: a pedagogical proposal from the Cultural Studies


  • Uerlene do Rosário Garcês Ribeiro
  • Jackson Ronie Sá-Silva
  • Suzane da Silva Borges
  • Edney Harrison Ferreira Leal




Obesity, Pedagogical Proposal, Elementary School, Cultural Studies.


Obesity is a complex issue that causes discussions in biomedical, psychological, socio-cultural and educational plans. It is presented as a public health problem in global and national scales. The theme has been highlighted in media discussions, social networking and educational areas such as school. Has the obesity subject been discussed by teachers of elementary school? Is there a theoretical and methodological concern to discuss the topic with the students? How the subject has been explained in school? Have teachers concerned to discuss obesity from a critical perspective? This pedagogical proposal intended to place the obesity’s subject in the educational scenario of elementary school offering his criticism, interdisciplinary, problem-based and contextual discussion. It is also proposed to present didactic proposals for teachers can discuss it in schools. This is a theoretical pedagogical proposal which was elaborated from the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Cultural Studies, bibliographic search and documental analysis. This pedagogical proposal aims to raise awareness and stimulate teachers from elementary school to discuss in their thematic classrooms of relevant approach at the global, national and regional scenarios, because it is understood that obesity is a socio-cultural complex and multifaceted theme.




