SINAES meta-evaluation: the view of ad hoc evaluators




Educational assessment, SINAES, college education, ad hoc evaluators, meta-assessment


The study aims to carry out a meta-evaluation of SINAES as a public policy for the evaluation of higher education from the perspective of the ad hoc evaluators of INEP/MEC. The methodology is designed as an exploratory study, with a quantitative approach, with a sample stratified by region of 369 evaluators. Data were collected using desurvey and processed in Excel® using descriptive statistics. The results show a predominance of doctor evaluators (66%) with less than 10 years (51%) of participation in BASis. The analysis demonstrates the need to differentiate assessment instruments between acts, modality and types of HEIs, to improve the system to speed up the processes, in addition to reviewing the ENADE methodology and the quality indicators derived from it.

Author Biographies

Barbara Regina Lopes Costa, FATEC/SP

Doutora em Administração

Richard Medeiros de Araújo, Professor do PPGP/UFRN

Doutor em Administração pela UFRN

Zaina Said El Hajj

Doutora em Ciências Contábeis pela USP

Leide Albergoni do Nascimento, Professora e Procuradora Institucional da Universidade Positivo

Mestre em Política Científica e Tecnológica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas  pela Unicamp  




