Public high school teacher training program to the formation of the teaching profession


  • Márcia Regina da Silva Universidade La Salle



Abstract: The article aims to discuss the importance of experiential knowledge in shaping the teaching profession and, consequently, in fostering meaningful learning, based on the perspectives of teachers working in a Teacher Training Program at a public school in southern Brazil. It is a qualitative, descriptive research study that presents the findings of a doctoral thesis. Through a case study involving observations and a focus group, the study gathered insights from teachers at a public high school-level teacher training program about the essential elements for an initial training course that values experiential knowledge and promotes a culture of professionalization. The research analysis was guided by interpretative hermeneutics. The results show that the formation of experiential knowledge is forged through a combination of empirical and theoretical fields, which is crucial for the establishment of the teaching profession and for enabling teaching to foster meaningful learning. This relationship is realized through the sharing of knowledge, collective growth, and professional development, contributing to the construction of critical training that emphasizes continuous growth and professionalization. In this perspective, teaching and learning are always challenging endeavors that impact the human development of everyone involved in the educational process.

Keywords: teaching formation; integration between theory and practice; teaching challenges; pedagogical practices.

Author Biography

Márcia Regina da Silva, Universidade La Salle

Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2013). Atualmente é professora da Prefeitura Municipal de Esteio.Tem experiência na área de Educação Especial e Educação Inclusiva, com ênfase nas dificuldades de Aprendizagem. Mestra Acadêmica em Educação pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2016), com bolsa Capes/PROEX. Linha de Pesquisa: Educação, Desenvolvimento e Tecnologias. Doutora em Educação pela Universidade La Salle (2022), com bolsa Capes/PROSUC. Linha de Pesquisa: Formação de Professores, Teorias e Práticas Educativas.

