A Constituição Docente à Luz dos Princípios Franciscanos
The text aims to reflect on the contribution of Franciscan educational principles to the constitution of teachers. The methodology is qualitative, with an experience report, and presents the results of the doctoral thesis of one of the authors. The experience involved six basic education teachers from a school in southern Brazil. The instruments used were a field diary and a focus group. The theoretical lens of analysis made it possible to review the experience from the angle of Franciscan pedagogy. The results show that continuing teacher education is inherent to the professional process, requiring time and dialogue about their practices; continuing education in the light of Franciscan principles allows the person to be placed at the center of the educational process; study and confrontation with practice allow the teacher to perceive themselves as a being who makes and remakes themselves as a professional and as a person; the Pedagogy of Encounter is increasingly significant in education.
Keywords: Basic education; Franciscan principles; Continuing teacher education; Teacher constitution
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