Babies in Early Childhood Education: a look at day care and family relationship


  • Marisa Vasconcelos Ferreira Instituto Superior de Educação Vera Cruz



Early Childhood Education, Family School Relationship, Child Care, Pedagogical Practice.


Considering that the child’s entry into daycare center - especially during the first year of life - maintains as a controversial thematic and involves many times divergent conceptions, this article discusses aspects concerning the relationships family-school, proposing reflections about everyday situations. Therefore, we will analyze the words of a mother who was interviewed after the adaptation of her baby to the daycare center, some aspects and possible ways to the organization of work with families in the area of early childhood education institution. Finally, it proposes three areas of action that can promote the formation of childhood education spaces that include the perspective of comprehensiveness in the care and education of children.

Author Biography

Marisa Vasconcelos Ferreira, Instituto Superior de Educação Vera Cruz

Docente do Instituto Superior de Educação Vera Cruz no curso de Graduação em Pedagogia e Especialização em Gestão Pedagógica e Formação na Educação Infantil. 

Coordenadora do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Educação Infantil do Instituto Vera Cruz.

Psicóloga. Doutora em Educação: Currículo.





