Digital Games: a level up for Brazilian Mathematical Education


  • William de Souza Santos Centro Universitário Senai Cimatec
  • Lynn Rosalina Gama Alves Universidade do Estado da Bahia e Centro Universitário Senai Cimatec



Jogos Digitais, Aprendizagem, Educação Matemática.


In Brazil, the teaching of Mathematics has shown large deficits in the national and international assessments. The possible causes can be: the difficulty of interpretation by the students in solving problem situations, the lack of contextualization and the abstract level of some issues. One of the strategies for improving grades and mathematical learning process that has had an effect in European countries and in the United States of America is the interaction with digital games The purpose of this article is to discuss the contributions of digital games for teaching Mathematics, as well as presenting the profile of Brazilian productions about this topic. As a conclusion, it is possible to highlight that this field of research has been already attracting supporters and the research has pointed to the potential of digital games in respect to engagement, motivation, and involvement of students allowing through this the improvement of grades whom interact with the digital games.




