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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author confirms that he has done the required readings of the policies adopted by the journal, agreeing to its guidelines, conditions, and applicable standards.

  • The author confirms that the manuscript is his or her own, that it is original and unpublished, that is, it is not being evaluated by another journal and has not been previously published.

  • The author agrees to the attribution, terms and conditions of the license and copyright applicable to his text in case of publication.

Author Guidelines

Required readings

Before submitting your manuscript to RCD, we recommend that you read the journal's policies on this website carefully.

The submission of an original and unpublished scientific article implies full acceptance of the rules, guidelines and policies contained in the pages of RCD.

Authors are not allowed to submit articles simultaneously to more than one journal. In case of simultaneous submission, the article will be rejected and the RCD reserves the right not to receive new submissions from the authors involved for a period of 3 (three) years from the submission date.

Preparation of manuscripts

All articles must be original and unpublished, written by at least one doctor.

Authors should use the template available at the submission page.

The scientific article cannot contain data that would allow the identification of its author(s), to be duly registered during submission.

It is recommended that user and author metadata be excluded from .doc or .docx documents prior to manuscript preparation.

Any acknowledgments and information about the funding of the work should be recorded during submission to the editor and not in the .doc or .docx files.

The scientific article may be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

RCD will give priority to articles published in English, according to international guidelines for their indexing. From 2023 on, if the article is written in Portuguese only, the RCD will recommend that the authors pay for the English version so that both versions can be evaluated and published together.

Articles should be between 15 and 25 pages long, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, with top and bottom margins of 2.0 cm and side margins of 3.0 cm, on A4 paper size, with justified text.

The article should be written with the following pre-textual elements: title in the language of the article; title in English; identification of the authors; abstract in the language of the article (between 100 and 250 words); keywords in the language of the article (from 4 to 6 keywords); abstract in English; keywords in English; abstract.

If the main language of the article is not Portuguese, the title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese are also required.

The article should be written with all the mandatory textual elements introduction; development and conclusions, being up to the authors to define the best internal division for the development. If necessary, the editor of the RCD may recommend a new organization of the article's sections.

The scientific article must have a list of references in its obligatory post-textual elements, containing only those that were effectively cited in the development of the text.

Bibliographical references and citations should be made according to the latest ABNT NBRs using the author-date system.

Exceptionally, according to the culture of foreign authors, the Editorial Board reserves the right to approve articles with citations in other systems and with other international references not covered by ABNT.

Articles received in disagreement with the rules, conditions and guidelines for authors will be rejected.

The submission process

Articles must be submitted electronically through the Knowledge & Diversity website, which uses the Open Journal System (OJS).

Only those authors duly registered on the journal's website with all the mandatory information, including the ORCID number, may submit articles.

The corresponding author must submit the original manuscript in .doc or .docx format by filling out an electronic form, also available online.

The submission process involves five steps:

1) the initiation of the submission with the choice of the section, the language of submission, and the acceptance of the copyright statement;

2) uploading the file with the article

3) the inclusion of metadata;

4) transfer of supplementary documents (optional);

5) confirmation.

The Author will be informed of the receipt of the article after the submission is completed exclusively by an automatic e-mail from the journal's system (Open Journal System).

The evaluation process

The editorial staff of the RCD will read and preliminarily examine the article, checking its formal aspects and suitability to the editorial line of the journal. At this stage, the author may be asked to remove data that allow its identification by peers, as well as to make formal adjustments to the rules, conditions, and guidelines for submission.

Once the minimum requirements are met, the evaluation will be carried out using the double-blind peer-review system, and any element that may identify the author will be removed from the article. Afterward, it will be sent to two anonymous reviewers who may approve, approve with reservations, or reject the paper.

In case of disagreement between the original reviewers, the paper will be sent to a third reviewer in a single round of review.

The result of the analysis will be informed by e-mail to the author. The editor has the sole responsibility to decide whether or not to publish the evaluations, always protecting the confidentiality of the evaluators.

In case of approval, it is also the editor's responsibility to define the dates for editing, formatting, and publication according to the submission queue and the purpose of each issue of the journal.

Post-publication corrections

RCD will not make corrections after the articles are published, except when these are necessary due to material and formal errors on the part of the editorial team. In this case, the author should notify the journal as soon as possible so that it can proceed with the rectification of the published document.

Other conditions

The RCD is authorized to make the necessary and sufficient changes and corrections to make the scientific paper conform to the publication rules, as well as to set the date when the text will be evaluated and published.

The RCD also holds the right to alter the original text for the purposes of diagramming, editing, formatting, and publication of approved articles.

In case of questions, the Journal team should be contacted exclusively by e-mail, available on the Contact page.


Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. RCD adopts all necessary and sufficient procedures in its privacy policy, as provided in the Brazilian General Law of Data Protection.