Mediterranean culture, Islam, Flamenco, Al-Andalus, Music, DanceAbstract
Flamenco is considered the musical style that most identifies the Spanish people. It emerged as a result of the cultural mixing that occurred when Muslims, Jews, Gypsies, and Christians coexisted for centuries in Al-Andalus, giving rise to the musical style we now know as flamenco. This research aims to detect the presence of Islamic culture in flamenco music from the perspective of Mediterranean culture. A predominantly qualitative methodology has been used, and a systematic literature review has been conducted, employing the PRISMA methodology. Among the results, we find numerous popular lyrics in the flamenco genre that refer to the Islamic people and recount their historical memory. The musical intonations of flamenco carry an oriental tone in their music and share melodies similar to expressions of the Muslim people. Ancient paintings have allowed us to find similarities between the body posture of a belly dancer and a flamenco dancer. We conclude by affirming that Islamic influences are particularly relevant in the origin and subsequent consolidation of flamenco as a musical genre.
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