School consultation, school consultation mode, part-time teachers, policyAbstract
The school consultation model in Vietnam currently being implemented according to Circular No. 31/2017/TT-BGDDT effective from February 2, 2018, is the “Part-time teacher” model. The purpose of this exploratory study is to test the awareness of officials and teachers about the effectiveness of elements in the “part-time teacher” school consultation model in high schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The research sample was randomly selected from 4 high school heads and from teacher pedagogical training courses and management training classes, with 538 participants, of which teachers (69.0%), and managers (31.0%); in the study sample, there were (36.2%) participating in the school’s psychology team. Research subjects (28.6%) were trained in psychological consultation capacity by topic; (8.9%) training in psychological counseling capacity and granting training certificates; (5.4%) training for bachelor of psychology and master of psychology; (57.1%) had not studied through the psychological counseling competency program. The instrument’s validity and reliability were verified through the evaluation of Cronbach alpha analysis, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). When analyzing the EFA factor, the results of the factors in the model have a positive correlation of 76.2% (R2 = 1.00), in the factors of personnel conducting consultations, policies for personnel participating in consultations, and policies for consulting personnel. Joining the school counseling team, the consultation process and the consultation room have not been paying attention.
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