


Intercultural communication, Intercultural competence, Intercultural conflicts, Cultural adaptation, Internationalization of higher education, Cultural diversity, Intercultural education, Intercultural understanding


Ensuring intercultural communication in modern learning conditions is an urgent problem for research, given the globalization of the educational space. The article aims at analyzing intercultural communication in higher education institutions in Ukraine. To implement this goal, a systematic method of research was used, which allowed to comprehend intercultural communication as a dynamic phenomenon, and a method of thematic categorization, which allowed to outline the main research problems. The results of the study found that intercultural communication is the idea of interaction between multilingual and multicultural individuals through the establishment and arrangement of interconnection and the search for mutual understanding. The important role of the teacher as a mediator in the organization of the educational process is also emphasized: teaching work today also involves establishing the intercultural interaction between applicants for education, who often belong to different cultural environments. In Ukrainian realities, this work is complicated by Russian aggression, but the dynamics of the increase in the number of foreign students in Ukrainian universities demonstrated that the process of establishing cultural communication not only existed, but also developed. In conclusion, attention is drawn to the importance of ethical moments of interaction, since in different cultures there is a different perception of respect, morality, the role of gender, etc.


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