Environmental education in teacher’s academic formation
Environmental Education, Environment, Teacher’s Formation, UniversitiesAbstract
Environmental issues have been considered increasingly urgent for society. The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the Environmental Education (EE) in teacher’s academic formation, since they have a fundamental role as agents of social transformation. According to legal documents, the environment is a transversal theme and should be treated in an interdisciplinary way, covering political, economic, historical as well as ecological issues. The difficulty of working this way comes from the fragmentation of knowledge and science. Thus, teachers have difficulties in developing EE projects since they have graduated under the fragmented view of knowledge and EE was not part of their academic lives. For these reasons, there is the necessity of investing in initial and continued training courses that provide teachers and prospective teachers subsidies so they can work and be environmental educators. This study investigated how teachers and students use the Facebook social.
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