DOI: clave:
Primary Education, Ukraine, Experiment, Innovative Teaching MethodsResumen
The aim of the study is to analyze the Ukrainian experience of the introduction of innovative, information digital technologies in the educational process of elementary school in the conditions of Russia's large-scale military invasion. The study was conducted based on an experiment in which it was possible to prove the effectiveness of the use of innovative, information, digital technologies in the use in the elementary school. The results substantiated the benefits of using these technologies under martial law. It was proved that the productivity of learning in the experimental group increased by 15%, that is, thanks to the measurements of assessments it was possible to confirm the effectiveness of the appeal to innovative teaching methods. The conclusions note that the formation of these skills as the Russian invasion continues will be a relevant problem for future research.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Ivan Stepanets, Serhii Bieliaiev, Nataliia Mordovtseva, Olena Ilina, Natalia Potapova
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