The art of storytelling as a strategy for dissemination of science for children


  • Graziele Aparecida Moraes Scalfi Unicamp
  • André Micaldas Fiocruz



children literature, science commu¬nication, storytelling


The scientific dissemination by children literature proposes to speak about the science in a simple way, instigating the curiosity and diffusing knowledge to more and more people from an early age. Children literature also has the ability to enter­tain and sensitize children, presenting the literary language and the playful way of information, mak­ing it an invitation to the imagination. Among the nu­merous applications of children literature, we opted for telling the Zum, Zum, Zum story: the sweet story of bees, using an apron designed for this purpose, as an instrument of rapprochement between the chil­dren and the science, capable of proposing an im­mersive, interactive and multi-sensory environment, in which the audience was encouraged to use the rea­soning and feelings, contributing to the knowledge of the life of bees in a pleasurable way. The objective of this work is to analyze qualitatively the feasibility of the “storytelling” as a strategy to science dissem­ination for children. The methodology was divided into three stages: 1. Survey content for the creation of the story; 2. Layout and production of the apron; 3. Validation of the apron. The data from this study indicate that promoting science through storytell­ing can contribute to the understanding of scientific themes by children in a playful way, being able to assist children to discover the pleasure by science.




