Change the speech: by a decolonialization of the mind teacher in the Amazon




Reflections, Teaching, Brazilian Amazonia, Postcolonialism, Decoloniality.


Currently in Brazil, and in the Amazon mainly, teachers from their initial formations are programmed to be negative “eurocentric mirrors”. Colonial ideals are allocated on the podium of absolute truth or ideal knowledge, since “civilized” and “modern”. “Our education expresses, reproduces and grounds the colonization that marks our knowledge, practices and powers” (ZANOTELLI, 2014, 491). Thinking about it is our goal in this article. The methodology is the qualitative revisionary bibliographic exploration carried out under the plasma of the inductive method. The conclusions that can be inferred refer to a pressing need to see the Brazilian and Amazonian settlements from new paradigms, which must stop telling the story based on the version of the winners, dominators, explorers, in an act that transcends decoloniality and be decolonial.

Author Biography

Tayson Ribeiro Teles, Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC

Mestre em Linguagem e Identidade (Cultura e Sociedade) pela Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC (2016), com dissertação no campo da análise do discurso político-jurídico brasileiro, e Bacharel em Direito pela mesma instituição (2017). Especialista em Gestão de Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais (2016). Graduado em Finanças pela Faculdade UniSEB, de Ribeirão Preto - SP (2013). Servidor Público Federal desde 2012. Membro dos Grupos de Pesquisa "História e religiões: Estudos das devoções populares na Amazônia sul ocidental" e "História e Cultura, Linguagem, Identidade e Memória", ambos da UFAC/CNPq.




