Discourses in Mathematics Education and the making of subjects: historical aspects of the teaching times tables


  • Alice Stephanie Tapia Sartori Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Claudia Glavam Duarte Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Mathematics Education, Discourse, Historical Analysis.


In this article, the authors aim to point out elements to writing a history the teaching of times tables. The theorizing of Michel Foucault allowed looking at this knowledge as a historical product of discourses. Some questions are made from of the archaeological and genealogical methods as What statements about the teaching of times tables were present in the regimes of truth in mathematics education from different eras and what its implications in the constitution of the subject? The analyzed sources were the Teacher Magazine, the Journal of Education and New School Journal, totalizing 13 publications between the years 1953 and 2000. The analysis panned some enunciations that allowed articulate the times tables within some practices of the disciplinary society and the society of control. The intent of this study is to reflect on the importance of the history of this for research in mathematics education.

Author Biographies

Alice Stephanie Tapia Sartori, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Cinetífica e Tecnológica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Claudia Glavam Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS




