Teaching, learning and assessment as integrated processes in the knowledge production in a class guided by the Problem Solving Metodology





Teacher´s Treaning, Problem Solving, Metodologies and Processes of Learning and Assessment of Students.


We assume that teaching, learning and assessment are three integrated processes that must occur simultaneously during the knowledge production in a classroom guided by the Teaching-Learning-Assessment Methodology through Problem Solving (Methodology). In this pedagogical orientation, the starting point to teaching is the problem, which is a vehicle for learning. Therefore, there is a recognition and appreciation by the student’s learning process, not only by results obtained, stimulating their involvement and active participation in this course. Learning is achieved through discovery, peer interaction and is fostered by the work in learning communities. The assessment has a formative aspect, (re)orienting practices of teacher and students. In this study, we shared a selection of the insights afforded during the development of a doctoral thesis. A bibliographical review took into account a vast literature on theories of learning and assessment, since this paper´s objective is to situate the theoretical assumptions of this Methodology, with its proper articulation and to establish a relation between the educational intervention of the teachers and the learning process of the students. Thus, we intend to: a) Justify the need for an alternative methodology, based on the premise of an educational paradigm shift; b) Argue on a need for integration “Teaching-Learning-Assessment” c) Discuss the possible meanings of “Problem Solving”; d) Contribute to a theoretical enhancement with origin in the articulation of learning theories and assessment based on the work developed through the methodological proposition; e) Present an orientation guide for pedagogical work in a class based on the Methodology. We hope that, through this presentation, those who are interested in the subject have a greater enlightment, so that their practice benefits the real subjects of all educational actions: the students.

Author Biography

Ariana Cosme, Universidade do Porto

Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação




