Intercultural Curriculum to Propose a School as a Territory of Peace


  • Iván Manuel Sánchez Fontalvo Universidad del Magdalena
  • Yhorirzinio Alberto Moreno Mejía Universidad del Magdalena
  • José Antonio Mendoza Niebles Universidad del Magdalena



Curriculum, Interculturality, Post-agreement, Territory.


The main objective of this research is to understand the socio-cultural dynamics and life projects of the educational community that can be associated with the intercultural school curriculum that allows proposing a school as a territory of peace in the corregimiento of Isla del Rosario of the Municipality of Pueblo Viejo, with the purpose of improving the processes of integral formation in the students. It is approached from a historical-hermeneutic paradigm and as a research methodology a reflexive critical ethnography was used, which emerged as a concern of the researchers, making a documentary review of the PEI on the intercultural elements of the curriculum, later a wide source of work was sought carried out that addressed the categories of our object of study, compiling a considerable state of art, immersing ourselves in the research using the techniques founded epistemologically by Miguel Martínez de Miguélez. Some important results were obtained, highlighting the emic, from a reliable interpretation from the ethic to write the feelings of the actors’ voices, as a product of their worldview as a socio-cultural group, where the aggressiveness, the discrimination and exclusion. As a conclusion, a series of questions about economic, cultural, social and political development, as pertinent actions of participation with people who come from migratory processes as a reality of the global village and of the whole society in general, emerges in a relevant way, can give a proper and relevant intercultural approach.

Author Biography

Iván Manuel Sánchez Fontalvo, Universidad del Magdalena

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com estágio doutoral (SWE-CAPES) na Université Paris 8 - Vincennes-Saint Denis, Departamento de Filosofia. Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Graduado em Psicologia pela UNISINOS. Professor no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade La Salle, na Linha de Pesquisa Formação de Professores, Teorias e Práticas Educativas e nos cursos de Pedagogia e Psicologia. Tem experiência profissional nas áreas de Educação e Psicologia. Atualmente pesquisa temas relacionados à formação de professores, práticas educativas em classes multisseriadas/heterogêneas, ensino-aprendizagem, cuidado de si, currículo, corpo. Tem publicações e pesquisas em formação de professores, interdisciplinaridade, estética, currículo, Análise de Discurso. É pesquisador desde 1999 do Grupo de Pesquisa Sobre Educação e Análise de Discurso (GPEAD) - UFRGS/CNPq, vinculado à Linha de Pesquisa Educação: Arte Linguagem Tecnologias (PPGEdu/UFRGS). Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa em Tecnopoéticas, Neuroestética e Cognição - UFRGS/CNPq, vinculado à Linha de Pesquisa Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia.




